About course

Unshackled is a 13-week course designed to free you from the strongholds in your life that are affecting your relationships, body image, femininity, worth, and identity. This course teaches you how to use the Bible as your primary weapon against the waging, spiritual war so that you can step into who the Lord has already designed you to become.

  • Daily Biblical Readings and Teachings (Printable)
  • Daily Awakening Reflection Questions (Printable)
  • Video Curriculum for each section
  • Application Exercises for each section to learn how to apply the Bible to your life (Printable)
  • Specific Prayers to pray over each topic


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The Breaking

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  • 0 of 6 lessons completed
  • 1 hour and 36 minutes left

The Restoration

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  • 0 of 7 lessons completed
  • 2 hours and 18 minutes left


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3 hours and 54 minutes


Ashley Roembke

I’m Ashley and I feel a call on my life to help women restore back to God to walk in their original design God intended for them. With many years of coaching behind me, I found that most, if not all, women struggle with not feeling enough as a woman, so they search the world, their careers, their relationships, and their belongings to gain the value and worth they are searching for, only leading to dead ends, heartbreak, and a chaotic, comparison-filled life.